Mitochondrion Application Biomedicine Inc. is an emerging leader in the worldwide development of regenerative medicine on mitochondrial technology. Has focused on mitochondrial R&D and application technology platforms since 2014 and the first company that develops Mitochondrial Reconstruction Technology (MRT).
The population of aging around world is increasing dramatically. Mitochondrial dysfunction is closely associated with the development of aging and degenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc.). Because impaired mitochondria will be insufficient to energy supply and trigger reactive oxygen species induction, and even induce cells to enter apoptosis or autophagy, which will lead to disease.
Currently, a number of product lines have been developed, including MitoCell (stem cells), MitoBio (Mitochondria), MAKcell (immune cells), MitoScan (functional mitochondria assay), Dynamito MAPEs (mitochondria-improvement ingredient), MitoFood (food supplements), and Stemoto (stem cell culturing medium), etc. MitoCell, MitoBio, MAKCell are preparing to enter the next stage of clinical development, and other products or testing services are marketed in the fields of preventive healthcare supplements, aesthetic medicine, stem cell culture, health examination, and mitochondrial metabolomics. These products or services have been demonstrated to be safe, effective, and accurate in preliminary studies.
Chairman Statement
Mitochondria were discovered in cells in 1857. Relevant studies from 1920 to 1930 further proved that mitochondria have an important role in the supply of intracellular energy-Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and death/life regulator of apoptosis and necrosis. Furthermore, the pioneer of mitochondrial researcher won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1997. Therefore, both mitochondria reconstruction therapy and stem cell therapy have become an important key in modern medical research in anti-aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and regenerative medicine. Mitochondrial reconstruction therapy is regarded as the next generation of new regenerative medicine technology. It is believed that the relevant clinical trials and applications will be more extensive in the future, and will lead the new trend of regenerative medicine.
Founder and Chairman Han-Chung Cheng
2014.03 核准設立台灣粒線體應用技術股份有限公司
2014.04 投入「幹細胞及粒線體生物製劑」的研發
2014.05 委託中興大學進行「粒線體對於帕金森氏症的保護效果」之驗證
2014.06 委託中國醫藥大學進行「幹細胞治療帕金森氏症之效力」之驗證
2014.07 榮獲財團法人生物技術開發中心出具創新創意意見書
2014.08 委託東華大學進行「幹細胞應用於治療多發性系統退化症」
2014.09 與馬偕醫學院簽定「活化粒線體細胞保健食品開發」產學合作
2014.09 榮獲新竹縣地方產業創新研發推動計畫補助「新竹縣地方特色內生性幹細胞保健食品開發計畫」
2014.10 委託清華大學進行「活化幹細胞粒線體之可行性分析」
2015.01 通過行政院國發基金創業天使計畫輔導
2015.03 進駐經濟部中小企業處新竹生醫園區產業及育成中心
2015.05 通過經濟部中小企業處創業A+行動計畫輔導
2015.06 建置GTP等級臨床用細胞工廠
2015.07 委託馬偕醫學院進行「脂肪間葉幹細胞處在不同分化時期之粒線體功能分析計畫」
2016.03 榮獲經濟部企業創新研發計畫補助「帕金森氏症之細胞治療製劑開發及安全性評估」
2016.09 核准進駐新竹工業科學園區(生醫園區)建置「PIC/s GMP細胞製劑廠」
2016.10 「台灣粒線體功能分析測試實驗室」通過TAF/ISO 17025國際認證
2016.11 榮獲科技部補助與中興大學合作「以自體粒線體治療老化引起之不孕症」
2017.03 榮獲經濟部企業創新研發計畫補助「帕金森氏症之細胞治療產品臨床前試驗」
2017.05 榮獲2017年國際品質評鑑(Monde Selection)金牌獎
2017.05 榮獲科技部補助與中山醫學大學合作「發展精準醫學進行老化及粒線體異常之不孕症治療」
2017.08 依據「生技新藥產業發展條例」第3條第2款及其相關規定,由經濟部審定為「生技新藥公司」
2017.11 「粒線體活化幹細胞處理技術服務」通過ISO 9001:2015國際認證
2018.05 榮獲2018年國際品質評鑑(Monde Selection)金牌及銀牌獎
2018.06 「MitoCell幹細胞製劑」通過衛福部(TFDA)同意進行呼吸衰竭之恩慈療法
2019.01 通過農委會『規格化犬幹細胞庫開發及骨關節炎臨床治療』研發案
2019.03 與澄清醫院共同合作「自體免疫細胞之量產製程開發及癌症治療」共同進行研究並通過澄清醫院IRB審查
2019.06 粒線體活化食品參加國際品質鑑賞(Monde Selection),獲得國際金牌獎之肯定。連續三年獲得金牌肯定受邀至羅馬頒發水晶獎座
2019.08 與英國WELMARK BIOSOLUTIONS 團隊合作並簽訂合約進行英國學術/臨床研究對接與市場規劃
2019.09 榮獲經濟部SBIR計畫補助,以「Dynamito MAPEs植萃物製程開發:指標/品管成分、安定性、功效分析」計劃建立Dynamito MAPEs之品質與功效指標
2020.07 粒線體活化細胞培養基「“覓拓(MITO)”合成細胞與組織培養基及成分」取得衛福部之醫療器材許可證
2020.07 衛福部同意「Mitocell幹細胞製劑」查驗登記藥品臨床試驗第一期
2020.08 以「Dynamito MAPEs植萃物原料開發計畫」成功串連上、中、下游之產業鏈,被財團法人農業科技研究院評選為成果優異育成廠商
2020.11 粒線體活化因子(MAPEs)通過哈拉認證
2021.07 榮獲國際期刊評選為「亞太區10大生技創新公司」